Little Sioux River Terrain360 Map Collection

The Little Sioux River

The Little Sioux River is a river in the United States. It rises in southwestern Minnesota near the Iowa border and continues to flow southwest for 258 miles (415 km) across northwest Iowa into the Missouri River at Little Sioux. The Little Sioux River was known as Eaneah-waudepon or "Stone River" to the Sioux Indians. Its tributaries include the Ocheyedan RiverMaple River and the West Fork of the Little Sioux River. The Little Sioux River is integral to the Nepper Watershed Project, a major Iowa flood control and soil conservation program that was introduced in 1947. At Turin, Iowa, the Little Sioux River has a mean annual discharge of 1,761 cubic feet per second.

Total Segments: 49

Public Access

Barnes Access (0.06 mi)

42.830542, -95.508518
Barnes Access scene image looking forward

Bluebird Access (0.04 mi)

42.896317, -95.243527
Bluebird Access scene image looking forward

Blue Bird Access (0.08 mi)

42.896235, -95.243555
Blue Bird Access scene image looking forward

Dixon Access (0.05 mi)

42.358633, -95.882472
Dixon Access scene image looking forward

Inkpaduta Access (0.08 mi)

42.255004, -95.904792
Inkpaduta Access scene image looking forward

Judd Access (0.05 mi)

43.301777, -95.209355
Judd Access scene image looking forward

Judd Canoe Access (0.03 mi)

43.284142, -95.195276
Judd Canoe Access scene image looking forward

Kindlespire Park (0.31 mi)

42.94857, -95.123685
Kindlespire Park scene image looking forward

Linn Grove Access (0.02 mi)

42.895926, -95.246379
Linn Grove Access scene image looking forward

Little Sioux Park (0.03 mi)

42.453697, -95.793532
Little Sioux Park scene image looking forward

Martin Access (0.09 mi)

42.85498, -95.466513
Martin Access scene image looking forward

Meyer Access (0.06 mi)

42.340239, -95.891572
Meyer Access scene image looking forward

Nelson Access (0.07 mi)

42.863012, -95.466817
Nelson Access scene image looking forward

Rapid City Park (0.08 mi)

42.895216, -95.152496
Rapid City Park scene image looking forward

Ridge Access (0.04 mi)

42.677069, -95.56908
Ridge Access scene image looking forward

Riverside Access (0.05 mi)

42.920781, -95.357311
Riverside Access scene image looking forward

Stahl Park Access (0.04 mi)

42.390464, -95.859785
Stahl Park Access scene image looking forward

Wanata Park Access (0.06 mi)

42.913688, -95.339521
Wanata Park Access scene image looking forward

Washta Access (0.12 mi)

42.540336, -95.732721
Washta Access scene image looking forward

Waterman Access (0.08 mi)

42.936464, -95.419094
Waterman Access scene image looking forward

West Leach Park (0.44 mi)

43.134181, -95.146529
West Leach Park scene image looking forward

River Segment

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Little Sioux River